My Dad's Story


Here you can compare how my daddy & I did our homeworks
in writing at comparable ages.


My Dad; May 1968

[Top] [Myself, 2003]

In May of 1968 when my dad was almost 8 years old, he wrote this homework in Bosnian using the Serbian Cyrillic script. At that time, all the kids in the former Yugoslavia were obliged to learn the Cyrillic script.

22. мај 1968. године

Домаћи Рад
Три праћке и један кавез

Лишће око ње, младо и ведро, мамило је њен кљун. Али један оштар фијук трже је из мисли. Овдје могу да саградим гнијездо. Ја не могу да живим без гнијезда.


May 22, 1968

Three Slings and a Cage

Leaves, young and bright, were teasing the bird's beak. Suddenly, a strong wind put her thoughts somewhere else. Here I could build a nest. I cannot live without a nest.


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Myself, January 2003

[Top] [My Dad, 1968]

I wrote this when I was 7½ years old:

This poem reminds me of something that happens to us. On New Year's Day, we have a big noisy party. We invite friends and family. By the end of the party, there's usually a mess. You would see: Beany Babies, action figures, dinosaurs, pieces of Playdo scattered all over the floor.

Roxana, the mom of Tomas and Paola, always starts to pick up our toys. Then we have to shout at her because it's our job to clean up our toys.


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