investigator (2003-2005) for the LEVEL (Left Atrial
Enlargement / Volume Increase in End-stage Liver Disease)
prospective echocardiographic study at UMDNJ – Newark, NJ.
Co-investigators: Dušan Knežević & Navin Budhwani.
investigator (2003-2005)
for the Association Of Diastolic Dysfunction And Mortality In Patients
Without Evidence Of Coronary Artery Disease On Cardiac Catheterization
trial at UMDNJ – Newark, NJ. Co-investigators: Jennifer Zimmer, Edward
Dwyer & Dewan Fahima.
(2003 - 2005) for the STICH (Surgical
Treatments for Ischemic Heart Failure) multicenter trial sponsored by NIH.
Principal site investigator: Berry Esrig.
(2002-2005) for the WARCEF (Warfarin vs. Aspirin Reduced Cardiac
Ejection Fraction Study) randomized multicenter trial coordinated by
University of Medicine and Dentistry, Newark, NJ. Principal investigator:
Patrick Pullicino
(2002-2003) for the Enhanced External Counterpulsation (EECP) in Heart
Failure single-blinded controlled randomized trial performed at UMDNJ –
Newark, NJ. Principal investigator: Rohit Arora.
(1998) for the ADORE (Aggressive Diagnosis of Restenosis) randomized
multicenter trial coordinated by the Jewish General Hospital, McGill
University, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Principal investigators: Mark
Eisenberg, Jean-Paul Collet and Louise Pilote.
(1997-1998) for the ROSETTA (Routine vs. Selective Exercise Treadmill
Testing After Angioplasty) randomized multicenter trial coordinated by the
Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Principal investigators: Mark Eisenberg, Jean-Paul Collet and Louise